  • Illuminate (Yellow) (rainbow foil)

  • Convection Amplifier (rainbow foil)

  • Disable (3)

  • Tome of Aetherwind

  • Widowmaker (1)

  • Toxic Tips (cold foil)

  • Spellbane Aegis

  • Stir the Aetherwinds (Red) (rainbow foil)

  • Crush the Weak (Yellow) (rainbow foil)

  • Runechant

  • Inspire Lightning (Yellow) (rainbow foil)

  • Seek and Destroy (rainbow foil)

  • Spears of Surreality (Blue)

  • Vexing Malice (Red)

  • Staunch Response (Yellow)

  • Barraging Brawnhide (Blue) (rainbow foil)

  • Wall of Meat and Muscle (1)

  • Double Down (rainbow foil)

  • Hyper Scrapper (rainbow foil)

  • Evasive Leap (3)