  • Ball Lightning (Red)

  • Cinderskin Devotion (2)

  • Nix the Nimble (1)

  • Invoke Yendurai (1) (marvel)

  • Reinforce Steel (3) (rainbow foil)

  • Mulch (Yellow) (rainbow foil)

  • Seismic Stir (Red) (rainbow foil)

  • Mugenshi: RELEASE (rainbow foil)

  • Teklo Plasma Pistol (rainbow foil)

  • Shadow of Ursur (rainbow foil)

  • Spellblade Strike (Blue) (rainbow foil)

  • Dorinthea

  • Ravenous Rabble (3)

  • Ravenous Rabble (3)

  • V for Valor (1)

  • Death Dealer

  • Life for a Life (Blue) (rainbow foil)

  • Salt the Wound (Yellow)

  • Autumn's Touch (Blue)

  • Herald of Ravages (Red)