  • Combustible Courier (Blue)

  • Bounding Demigon (Yellow)

  • Crown of Seeds (rainbow foil)

  • Pyroglyphic Protection (Blue)

  • Merciless Battleaxe

  • Fyendal's Fighting Spirit (2) (rainbow foil)

  • Prognosticate (1) (rainbow foil)

  • Rotten Old Buckler (rainbow foil)

  • Bloodrush Bellow (rainbow foil)

  • Crush the Weak (Blue) (rainbow foil)

  • Blinding Beam (Red) (rainbow foil)

  • Zipper Hit (Yellow) (rainbow foil)

  • Cartilage Crush (2)

  • Aether Flare (2)

  • Knives Out

  • Toxicity (2) (rainbow foil)

  • Index (Red)

  • Emerging Dominance (Yellow)

  • Chain Lightning

  • Entwine Earth (Yellow)